ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hello, little one!

When something is damaged, it means that it's been hurt or broken in some way. Just like when you accidentally drop your toy and it gets a scratch or a crack.

In the grown-up world, damages can refer to a lot of things. For example, if someone breaks something that belongs to someone else, like a vase or a phone, they might have to pay for it. This is called "paying damages" or "compensating for damages".

But damages can also refer to things that can't be fixed with money, like emotional or mental harm. If someone says something mean to you and it makes you feel bad for a long time, that's a type of damage too.

So, when we talk about damages, we're usually talking about something that's been hurt or broken in some way. And sometimes, we need to make up for that hurt or broken thing by paying for it or doing something to make it better.