ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dassler brothers feud

Once upon a time, there were two brothers named Adi and Rudolf. They both loved making shoes together and started a company called Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik. This means "Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory" in German.

Everything was running smoothly until one day, the brothers started to have a disagreement. They couldn't agree on how to run the business and sometimes they even argued about who had done more work. It was like when you and your best friend argue about who gets to use the pink crayon.

The problem between them became so bad that they ended up splitting the company in two. Adi Dassler started a new company called Adidas (you may have heard of it!), and Rudolf Dassler started his own company called Puma.

Both Adidas and Puma became successful shoe companies, but the brothers never spoke to each other again. It was like they were playing a game of tag, but they never tagged each other.

So, the Dassler Brothers Feud was a very sad story of two brothers who used to work together, but couldn't get along and ended up creating separate successful companies. It's always better to share and be friends like you and your best friend!