ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dede Allen

Dede Allen was a grown-up lady who liked making movies. She was really good at it and helped make lots of famous movies that you might have heard of.

What Dede did was really important for movies. She took all the different parts of a movie, like the words and the pictures and the sounds, and put them together in a way that made the movie look and sound really cool. It's kind of like if you were putting together a puzzle, but instead of just having pieces of the puzzle, you had pieces of a movie and you had to make them fit together just right.

Dede worked on lots of famous movies that you might have heard of, like "Dog Day Afternoon" and "Bonnie and Clyde." She was really good at making movies look exciting and interesting, and lots of people liked watching the movies that she helped make.

Even though Dede is not with us anymore, her work as a movie maker is still remembered and appreciated by lots of people who love movies.