ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Denial of atrocities against indigenous peoples

Okay kiddo, so you know how there are people in the world who don't always tell the truth? Well, unfortunately, there are some people who don't want to admit that really bad things happened to the indigenous people of different lands. When we say "indigenous people," we're talking about the people who were living in a certain place before other people came and took over.

Let's say your family lived in a house for many years, and then someone else came and said, "This is my house now!" That would be really unfair, right? Well, that's what happened to many indigenous peoples around the world. People from Europe and other places came and took over their land, and did really bad things to them. This includes things like stealing their property, forcing them to move to different places, and even hurting or killing them.

But some people don't want to admit that these things happened. They might say that it's not true, or try to make excuses for why it wasn't that bad. This is called "denial."

It's important to remember that just because someone denies something happened, that doesn't mean it didn't. The indigenous peoples of different lands have suffered a lot throughout history, and it's important that we acknowledge that and work towards making things right. We should treat everyone with respect and fairness, no matter where they came from or what their background is.