ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Depersonalization-derealization disorder

Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder is a condition where a person feels like they are not connected to themselves or the world around them in the way they normally would. It can feel like you are watching yourself from a distance, like a puppet or a robot, instead of being in your own body.

It can also make the world around you seem fake, dreamlike, or distorted, like things aren't quite real or that you're in a movie set. Think of it as if you're watching a movie or playing a video game - you know it's not real, but it still feels like an experience.

Some people with this disorder may also experience physical symptoms like feeling numb, dizzy, or disoriented. These feelings can last for a few minutes or several hours or days, and can be triggered by stress or anxiety.

To help people with this condition, therapists often teach relaxation techniques and mindfulness to help them stay present and focused on reality. Some medications might also be used to tackle anxiety that might be causing the disorder.

In short, depersonalization-derealization disorder is a condition that makes you feel like you're watching yourself and the world around you from a distance, and it can be treated by learning coping techniques and addressing the root cause of any anxiety.
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