ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Description number

A description number is like a special tag we give to things so we can remember them better. It's like when you need to remember where you put your favorite toy, you might say it's in the big blue box on the top shelf. That's a description number for your toy, and it helps you remember where it is.

Now, imagine we have a lot of toys, like hundreds or even thousands, and we need to remember where each one is. We could give them each a special description number, like "the red car with the silver rims on the bottom shelf" or "the green dinosaur on the middle shelf." That way, we can remember where each toy is without getting confused or forgetting.

Description numbers work the same way for things in real life, like books in a library, products in a store, or documents in an office. By giving them a clear and specific name or number, it's easier for people to find what they're looking for and keep things organized. So, description numbers are like tags or labels that help us remember where things are, and they make it easier to find things we need.
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