ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Digital film festivals

Okay kiddo, imagine you love movies and you want to see all the latest and greatest ones. Normally that would mean going to a big fancy film festival with lots of people. But what if you can't leave your home or you don't live anywhere near a film festival? That's where digital film festivals come in!

A digital film festival is like a movie festival that you can watch from your computer or tablet at home. You won't have to travel anywhere! You can watch all the movies right from your couch. The movies usually cost money to watch, just like renting a movie from the store.

Digital film festivals work by having the movies available to watch online during a certain time period. For example, let's say there's a film festival that starts on October 1st and ends on October 10th. During that time, you can log in to the website for the festival and pick which movies you want to watch. Some festivals even have live events like Q&A sessions with the filmmakers!

So, even though you can't actually be at the festival in person, you can still experience all the fun and excitement of watching cool new movies from the comfort of your own home thanks to digital film festivals!