ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Distributed practice

Distributed practice means we learn better when we practice a skill or study information in smaller chunks, over a longer period of time, instead of cramming it all in at once.

Let's say you need to learn the alphabet. If you try to memorize all the letters at once, it might be difficult and you could forget them quickly. But if you learn a few letters every day, over a longer period of time, it will be easier to remember and you will retain it longer.

This is because our brains work better when we have time to process and consolidate the new information. It's like building a puzzle- it's better to do a little bit every day rather than trying to do it all at once.

So, when we practice something over time and keep coming back to it, our brains get better at retaining and using that information. It's a bit like practicing sports or musical instruments every day- you gradually get better and it becomes more effortless.

Distributed practice is important in learning because it helps us remember and use the skills we are learning.
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