ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Drug paraphernalia

Drug paraphernalia is a fancy grown-up way of saying things that people use when they take drugs. These things can be all different shapes and sizes but they are meant to help people use drugs. Some examples of drug paraphernalia are pipes, bongs, syringes, rolling papers, and stash containers.

People who use drugs like to have drug paraphernalia because it helps them use the drugs more effectively. For example, if someone likes to smoke marijuana, they might use a pipe to help them do it. The pipe is like a little tube that they put the marijuana in and then light it up to smoke it.

Sometimes drug paraphernalia can be dangerous because it might be used to take drugs in a way that is not safe. Like, a syringe (which is like a little needle) can be used to inject drugs directly into the body, but this is very dangerous, especially if the needle is not clean.

For this reason, drug paraphernalia is often illegal in many places, even if the drug itself is legal. It is important to be safe and smart when it comes to drug use, and to always follow the laws in your area.