ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dynamic infrastructure

Dynamic infrastructure is like playing with building blocks. Just like how you can make different things by putting together different blocks, dynamic infrastructure allows people to create and change computer systems in a flexible and easy way.

Imagine you have a big box of Lego blocks. You can use these blocks to build a tower, a car, or even a spaceship. Then, if you want to change your creation, you can take apart the blocks and build something completely different.

Now, let's say instead of Lego blocks, we have computer systems like servers, storage, and networking. With dynamic infrastructure, we can build, manage and change these computer systems in the same way as building with Lego blocks.

For example, let's say you need to run a website that needs more power during certain times of the day. With dynamic infrastructure, you could easily add more computing power when you need it and then remove it when the website doesn't need it anymore. It's like adding more Lego blocks to a project when you need to make it bigger and then taking them away when you're done.

Overall, dynamic infrastructure allows people to create, manage and change computer systems quickly and easily, just like building with blocks.