ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dynamic library

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have a big toy chest filled with all kinds of toys. Some toys are big and take up a lot of space, while others are smaller and don't take up as much room.

Now, let's say you want to share some of your toys with your friend who lives next door. You could go over to their house and bring all of your toys with you, but that would be really hard to do because your toy chest is so big and heavy.

Instead, you decide to pick just a few of your favorite toys to bring over to your friend's house. This is kind of like what a dynamic library does.

A dynamic library is a collection of code that a computer program can use to do certain things, like draw graphics or play music. But instead of putting all of the code for every possible thing a program might need into the program itself (which would make the program really big and slow), the program only includes the code for the things it actually needs at that moment.

It's kind of like picking just the toys you want to play with and leaving the rest in the toy chest. That way, the program can run more efficiently and use less memory.

So, when a program needs to do something that requires code from a dynamic library, it checks to see if that code is already loaded into memory. If it is, the program uses that code. If not, it loads the necessary code from the dynamic library and then uses it.

And that's the basic idea behind a dynamic library – it's a way for programs to share code without having to include all of it in the program itself.