ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dynamic testing

Imagine you have a toy car and you want to see if it can do cool tricks like jumping over ramps or driving through loop-de-loops. That's kind of like what dynamic testing is but for computer programs.

Computer programs are like a set of instructions that tell the computer what to do. These instructions can have different parts like if something happens, then the computer should do something else. Dynamic testing means testing a computer program while it is running to see if it does what it's supposed to do and how it reacts to different things that may happen.

Just like with the toy car, when you do dynamic testing on a computer program, you are checking to see if it can do cool tricks like handle lots of users or work in different situations.

To do dynamic testing, computer programmers write special code called test scripts that simulate different scenarios that could happen while the program is running. They then run the program with the test scripts to see if there are any errors or problems with how the program works.

Think of it like a pretend test drive for the computer program. Just like how you take a toy car and test how it performs, when programmers do dynamic testing, they test the computer program to see if it performs correctly and does what it's supposed to do.