ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dynamic voltage scaling

Imagine you have a toy car that needs a battery to run. The battery provides power to the car so it can move. Now, sometimes the car needs to go really fast and sometimes it needs to go slower. In order for the car to go at the right speed, you can use a special trick called dynamic voltage scaling.

Dynamic voltage scaling is like changing how strong the battery is depending on how fast you want the car to go. If you want the car to go really fast, you give it a strong battery to make it go quickly. But if you want the car to go slower, you give it a weaker battery so it moves more slowly.

This same idea is used in electronics, with things like phones, laptops, and computers. These devices use electricity to work, and they need different amounts of electricity to do different tasks. Sometimes they need a lot of electricity to do something like play a video, and sometimes they need less electricity to do something like display a text message.

When a device uses dynamic voltage scaling, it can change how much electricity it is using depending on what it is doing. This can help make the device more efficient, which means it uses less electricity overall. Using less electricity can also help the device last longer on a single battery charge.

So, just like changing the battery strength for a toy car, dynamic voltage scaling helps devices use the right amount of electricity for the task at hand.