ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eastern Bloc media and propaganda

Okay little one, let me tell you a story about a time when some countries in Europe were in a group called the Eastern Bloc. These countries were controlled by Communist governments, which means the government had a lot of control over what people were allowed to say and see.

In these countries, the media - which means things like newspapers, TV shows, and radio programs - were all run by the government. This meant that the government could control what information people were allowed to hear and see. They could make it seem like everything was perfect in the country, even if it wasn't.

Propaganda is a word we use to describe when someone is trying to persuade you to think or feel a certain way. In the Eastern Bloc countries, the government used propaganda a lot. They would put up posters or make TV shows that showed the government and the leaders in a really positive light. They would say things like "our government cares about you and wants the best for you!"

They would also use propaganda to make other countries seem bad. They might say things like "those other countries don't have the same freedoms as we do" or "they are trying to harm us, so we have to be strong against them." The government wanted people to believe that they were the best and that other countries didn't like them.

So, in a nutshell, the Eastern Bloc media and propaganda were controlled by the government and used to make people think good things about the government and bad things about other countries.