ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Election of remedies

When something goes wrong, and you need help fixing it, you have different choices for how to get help. These choices are called remedies.

Let's say, for example, that you bought a toy from a store, and it doesn't work. You have different remedies to fix the situation.

One remedy could be to go back to the store and ask for a new toy. Another remedy could be to ask for your money back. And yet another remedy could be to go to court and ask a judge to order the store to fix the toy or give you your money back.

The different remedies you choose are like different paths you can take to fix the problem. But you usually can't take more than one path at a time.

That means, if you ask for a new toy from the store, you can't also ask for your money back at the same time. You have to choose one remedy and stick with it.

This is what we mean by the election of remedies. It's like you're picking your favorite remedy, and you can't have more than one favorite at a time.