ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electric beacon

Imagine you are playing hide-and-seek outside in the dark with your friends, and suddenly you hear someone shouting "Hot or cold." Now, you can easily find him/her even if you can't see them because of their voice. Similarly, electric beacons are devices that help us find locations even in the dark when we can't see them with our eyes.

An electric beacon is like a light bulb but a lot bigger and stronger, and it emits a bright and powerful light that can be seen from far away. These beacons are often found on top of tall buildings or towers, hills, lighthouses, and bridges, where people need to see them from far away to navigate or locate them.

The light that the electric beacon produces can have different colors, such as white, red, green, or yellow, which are used for different purposes. For example, a red or green light may be used to help pilots land planes safely at night, while a white light may be used to signal a ship coming into a harbor.

Electric beacons work by using electricity to power the bulb inside the beacon, which then emits light. Different types of beacons use different ways to create and project the light, but all of them use electricity.

In short, electric beacons are like giant flashlights that help us locate important locations in the dark, and they work by using electricity to produce a bright and powerful light that can be seen from far away.