ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Entrance grave

An entrance grave is like a special house that people made a long, long time ago. It's a big hole in the ground that people dug with special tools, and it's shaped like a room.

When you go inside the entrance grave, you will see a small tunnel that leads to the main room. The main room is where people put important things like treasure or special objects. The entrance grave is usually made of rocks and stones, and some of them have special carvings on them that show pictures or designs.

People made entrance graves a very long time ago because they believed that when they died, they would go to a special place called the afterlife. They wanted to take things with them to the afterlife, so they put special objects like jewelry, weapons, and food in their entrance grave.

Nowadays, people can visit entrance graves to learn about ancient cultures and see the special things that people left behind a long, long time ago.