ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Executions in the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto (1943–1944)

Okay kiddo, so let me tell you about something really sad that happened a long time ago in a place called Warsaw which is in Poland. During World War II, a group of people who were called Nazis, wanted to hurt and kill lots of other people who were called Jews. The Jews were people who followed a religion called Judaism and they were treated very badly by the Nazis.

In Warsaw, lots of Jews were living in a part of the city that was called the Warsaw Ghetto. It was a very small part of the city and it was surrounded by really high walls so the Jews couldn't leave. They were treated so badly and didn’t have enough food to eat or medicine to keep them healthy.

One day, the Nazis decided that they wanted to kill even more Jews and they chose to do it in a really cruel way. They picked a big open space in the Warsaw Ghetto called the Umschlagplatz and forced thousands of Jews to go there. They did not tell them what was going to happen but the Nazis had planned a really horrible thing - they were going to execute them.

This meant that they were going to kill them all at once by shooting them. It was really scary and sad. The Nazis forced the Jews to line up in rows and then they started shooting. Many of the Jews tried to run away, but there was nowhere to go. They were stuck with nowhere to hide or protect themselves.

This continued for a long time, every day the Nazis would take more Jews to the Umschlagplatz and shoot them. It was a really sad time for the people who survived, and their families.

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was started by the Jews in the Ghetto who were trying to fight back against the Nazis because they wanted to save their lives. They fought for many months but eventually they were not strong enough to win.

It was a really dark time in history and we remember it so that we can learn from it and never let something like this happen again.