ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Executive agency

An executive agency is like a special club in the government that helps the president and other important government leaders get things done. The club has special people called executives who are chosen by the president to work in specific areas like health, education, or transportation. These executives are like the captains of a sports team and they have teammates that help them carry out their goals. These teammates are called staff members and they work hard to make sure everything runs smoothly.

For example, let's say the president wants to make sure that children have healthy food to eat at school. He might assign an executive agency to this task. The executive in charge of this group would be like the coach of a basketball team. The coach would have assistant coaches, called staff members, to help them run the practice and games. The executive and staff members would work together to come up with a plan for how to make school food healthier. They would then talk to schools and make sure they were following the plan. If something went wrong or they needed help, they would go to the president for support.

Overall, executive agencies are like special clubs that help the government get things done. The leaders in these clubs are called executives and they have staff members that help them achieve their goals.