ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Extrajudicial detention

Okay kiddo, let's talk about something called extrajudicial detention. You know how when someone does something bad, they might get arrested and go to jail? Well, sometimes people can get arrested and put in detention even if they haven't really done anything wrong. That's what we call "extrajudicial" detention.

Basically, it means that someone is getting held by the government or a powerful group like the military, without going through the normal legal process that should happen when someone is accused of a crime. This means they might not have a fair trial or be able to defend themselves, and they might not even know why they're being detained in the first place.

Now, sometimes governments or groups might say that they're detaining people to protect the country or to stop terrorism or other bad things from happening. But just because someone is labeled as a "threat" doesn't mean they actually are one, and they still deserve to have their rights respected and to be treated fairly under the law.

So, extrajudicial detention is when someone is held without a fair trial or other legal protections. It's not a good thing and it's important for us to fight against it so that everyone can have their rights protected.