ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fallout shelter

Fallout shelter is a safe and secure place where people can go when the environment around them is not safe anymore. It is a type of shelter that is created to protect people from radiation, especially after a nuclear attack or disaster.

When there is a danger of a nuclear attack, people can go into the fallout shelter to protect themselves. These shelters are usually made of strong walls and roofs, and they are designed to keep out radioactive particles.

Inside the shelter, people will have access to basic amenities such as food, water, and medical supplies. They can also have access to communication devices such as radios or phones that can keep them informed about what is happening outside.

Fallout shelters can be built in different places such as basements, underground tunnels, or specially dedicated buildings. They must be designed to keep people safe for a long period, sometimes for weeks or even months.

In summary, fallout shelters are like super strong houses that protect people from nuclear radiation during times of danger. They have everything people need to live for several weeks, so they won't have to go outside until it's safe again.