ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fast-neutron reactor

Hello little one! Today I am going to explain to you what a fast-neutron reactor is!

Picture an oven that can cook food very quickly. A fast-neutron reactor is like an oven, but it cooks atoms instead of food! It uses special particles called fast neutrons to cook the atoms.

Now let's talk about atoms. Think of atoms like tiny building blocks that make up everything in the world around us. You, me, this keyboard, everything! But, like building blocks, atoms have different pieces that make them up. These pieces are called protons and neutrons. It’s like when you build a Lego house, you use different colored blocks which all fit together to make the house.

So, in a fast-neutron reactor, the fast neutrons are used to break apart the atoms into even smaller pieces. This process is called nuclear fission. When we break an atom in half, it releases energy which can be used to make electricity.

Sounds cool right? But there’s a problem. When we break an atom in half, it also produces other particles that can damage the reactor. Imagine if when you break apart the Lego house to make smaller houses, you also break some of the blocks in a way that they can't be used anymore. This is called nuclear waste, and it's a big problem for any kind of reactor.

But here's the great thing about fast-neutron reactors: they can also use nuclear waste to create even more energy! It’s like taking your broken Lego pieces and making a new Lego creation, instead of just throwing them away.

So fast-neutron reactors are really cool. They use special particles to break apart atoms, create energy, and even use nuclear waste to make even more energy!