ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fecal bacteriotherapy

Okay kiddo, so fecal bacteriotherapy is a special kind of treatment that helps people who have some problems with their tummies. It works by taking the good bacteria from somebody else's poo and putting it in the tummy of the person who needs it.

You see, our tummies are full of different kinds of bacteria that help us digest our food and protect us from getting sick. When we get a tummy ache or some other problem, it could be because we don't have enough of the good bacteria in our tummies.

Fecal bacteriotherapy is a way to fix that problem. Doctors take a small amount of poo from someone who is very healthy and has lots of good bacteria in their tummy. Then they put that poo into the tummy of the person who needs the good bacteria.

It might sound gross, but it can help people who have problems with their tummy like diarrhea, constipation, or infections. The good bacteria from the healthy person's poo can help balance out the bad bacteria in the sick person's tummy, and make them feel better.

So, that's what fecal bacteriotherapy is, and it's a special way to help people who need it. Just remember that getting good bacteria from poo is not something you should do at home - it has to be done by trained doctors in a special way to make sure it's safe and effective.