Imagine you have a piggy bank that you use to save all of your money. Every time you get some money, you put it in your piggy bank. But sometimes, you might have too much money to fit in your piggy bank, so you put some of it in a different jar or container.
Now, imagine that the whole world is like your piggy bank. It's called the economy, and instead of just one person's money, it has everyone's money in it. Sometimes a lot of money comes in and everyone is happy, but other times not as much money comes in and things get a little bit harder for some people.
The financial instability hypothesis says that sometimes the economy can act like a rollercoaster ride. Just like a rollercoaster has ups and downs, the economy can have big highs and also big lows. And sometimes, these lows can be really scary and cause a lot of problems for people.
One example of this happening was in 2008 during the financial crisis. People who invested their money in certain things lost a lot of that money when the stock market crashed. People lost their jobs and homes because of it.
The financial instability hypothesis helps people understand how the economy can sometimes be unstable and how this can affect people's lives. By learning about it, people can try to prepare for these ups and downs and stay on a more stable path.