ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

First-person (gaming)

Okay kiddo, so you know how when you watch a movie or show, you're just kinda watching things happen on a screen? Well, in a video game, you get to be the one actually doing things!

When you play a game in "first-person," it means that you're seeing the game world through the eyes of your character. So instead of watching them move around on a screen, you're actually seeing what they'd see if they were a real person standing in the game world.

It's kind of like putting on a pair of special glasses that let you see everything in the game as if you were really there. So when you walk around, jump, or shoot things, you feel like you're actually doing those things yourself!

Some games let you switch between first-person and other camera views (like third-person, where you can see your character from behind), but playing in first-person can make things feel more immersive and really transport you into the game world.
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