ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fish intelligence

Fish are creatures that live in water and they come in different shapes and sizes. Some of the commonly known fish include goldfish, salmon, and cod. Now, when we talk about intelligence in fish, it refers to their ability to learn and remember things.

Imagine you are teaching your pet fish, Goldie, a trick – how to swim through a hoop. You would place the hoop in the water and give her a treat whenever she swims through it successfully. After a while, Goldie will start to associate the hoop with the treat and remember what she needs to do to get the treat. This is an example of learning and memory in fish.

Fish may not have the same type of intelligence as humans or other animals like dolphins and elephants, but they are still pretty smart. They are able to solve problems, remember things, and even communicate with each other. For example, some fish use signals to warn other fish of danger or attract a mate.

Fish have evolved some special abilities that help them survive in their environment. Some species of fish can change their color to blend in with their surroundings, while others use special organs to detect electrical fields in the water.

In conclusion, fish intelligence is all about their ability to learn, remember and adapt to their surroundings. They may not be as smart as humans or other animals, but they have unique abilities that make them smart in their own way.