ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Funes the Memorious

Funes the memorious is a story about a man named Funes who has an incredible memory. He can remember everything in extreme detail, like the exact location of every tree in a forest or every word in a huge book.

Think about how you might remember your ABCs or count to 10 without even thinking about it - Funes remembers everything like that but with everything in his life, even things that happened a long time ago.

Unfortunately, this incredible memory makes life very hard for Funes. He can't forget anything, so he is always overwhelmed with information and has a hard time focusing on the present. It's like his brain is too full all the time, and he can't remember what happened recently because he has so much other stuff in his head.

So while Funes has an amazing talent that makes him unique, it also causes a lot of struggles in his day-to-day life.