ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

GNU Mailman

GNU Mailman is a computer program that helps people send emails to many people at once. It's kind of like having a big group conversation over email.

Imagine you have a bunch of friends, maybe from school or a sports team, and you want to send them all an email at once. You could type each person's email address one by one, but that would take a long time and might be hard to manage.

That's where GNU Mailman comes in. You can create a group (called a "list") and add all your friends' email addresses to that list. Then, when you want to send them all an email, you just send one message to the list, and GNU Mailman takes care of delivering it to everyone on the list.

You can also use GNU Mailman to set rules for the group, like who can send messages to the list, and whether people can reply to everyone on the list or just to you. It's a way to make emailing lots of people easier and more organized.