ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Global Editors Network

Imagine you are at school and you are working on an art project. You have your own set of pencils, markers, and crayons, but your friend who sits next to you also has their own set of art supplies. Each of you has your own unique colors, textures and styles that you like to use when you create your art.

Now, instead of just working with one friend, think about working with kids from schools all over the world! The Global Editors Network is kind of like a big art project, where people from different countries come together to share their own unique ideas and ways of doing things.

But instead of pencils and markers, journalists and media companies from all over the world come together to share their own unique perspectives and ways of telling stories. They can share their ideas, and learn from each other, and work together to make the news better for everyone.

Just like how your art project would look even better if you added your friends' amazing colors and styles to your own, the news can be even better if different journalists from different countries contribute their own ideas and way of looking at things. So, the Global Editors Network is like a big group project where people from all over the world can work together and make things better for everyone!