ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

God in Mormonism

In Mormonism, God is known as Heavenly Father. He is seen as a loving parent who created the world and everything in it. Just like how your own mom and dad created you, Heavenly Father created us all.

Mormons believe that Heavenly Father has a body of flesh and bone, just like we do. But unlike us, he is perfect in every way and has unlimited knowledge and power.

Heavenly Father loves us so much that he sent his son, Jesus Christ, to save us. Jesus came to Earth to teach us how to live a good life, and then he died for our sins so that we could be forgiven and return to live with Heavenly Father in Heaven someday.

Mormons believe that we can communicate with Heavenly Father through prayer. When we pray, we can tell him about our worries and troubles, and thank him for all the good things in our life. We believe that He listens to every prayer and cares about our every need.

Overall, in Mormonism, God is viewed as a kind, loving, and perfect parent who created us, sent his son to save us, and wants us to communicate with him through prayer.