ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Great Race (Native American legend)

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about the Great Race, which is a story from Native American legend. A long long time ago, all the different animals in the world decided to have a big running race to see who was the fastest.

The animals had to run through forests, over mountains, and across rivers to get to the finish line. Each animal had its own strengths and weaknesses, so they all had different strategies for how to win the race.

For example, the rabbit was very fast and could jump high, so he thought he had a good chance of winning. The tortoise, on the other hand, was slow and steady but knew he could keep going for a long time without getting tired.

The animals set off on the race and off they went. Some animals ran fast, but they soon got tired and had to rest. Others came prepared with tricks and magic - like the coyote, who could transform into other animals and confuse his competitors.

The race went on for days and days, and the animals faced all kinds of challenges, like steep hills and raging rivers. But eventually, the tortoise, who had been taking his time and pacing himself, crossed the finish line first! He had won the race.

But even though the tortoise was the winner, all of the animals had learned something important from the race. They saw that each of them had their own strengths and weaknesses, and that working together and being kind to one another was the best way to succeed.

And so, even though there could only be one winner in the Great Race, all of the animals were winners in their own way. Isn't that a nice story, kiddo?