ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Great Wall of Vagina

Okay kiddo, so imagine a really big wall made out of plaster (kind of like the walls in our house). But instead of being plain and boring, this wall is covered in molds of women's private parts! These molds are like little statues that show what the inside of the woman's body looks like.

Now some people might wonder why anyone would want to make a wall like this, but it's actually a way to celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of women's bodies. Just like how we all have different hair or eye colors, our private parts can also look different from each other. And that's totally okay and normal!

The great wall of vagina was created by an artist named Jamie McCartney, who wanted to show people that there's no "right" way for a woman's body to look. It's also a way to bring attention to issues like body positivity and gender equality.

So while the great wall of vagina might seem a little strange or silly to some people, it's actually a pretty cool way to celebrate our bodies and remind everyone that they're all special and different in their own way.