ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Haji Bagcho

Haji Bagcho is a man who comes from a country called Afghanistan. He is very important in his country because he is known for growing poppies, which are plants that can be used to make drugs like heroin.

But why is growing poppies so important? Well, unfortunately, many people in Afghanistan are very poor and don't have a lot of money. Growing poppies is one way that they can make money because they can sell the poppies for a lot of money to people who make drugs.

However, growing poppies is also illegal in Afghanistan because drugs can be very dangerous and can hurt people. So, even though Haji Bagcho is very rich because he grows poppies, many people do not like him because they think what he is doing is wrong.

So, in summary, Haji Bagcho is an important person in Afghanistan because he grows poppies, which can be used to make drugs. But growing poppies is also illegal and many people don't like him because they think it's wrong to make money that way.