ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hanging of Patrick O'Connor

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago in Ireland, there was a man named Patrick O'Connor who was accused of doing something very bad. Some people thought he stole stuff from other people, and other people even thought he killed someone. This was a really serious accusation, and the people who thought he was guilty wanted to punish him.

They decided to do something called "hanging" him, which means tying a rope around his neck and lifting him up so that he can't breathe and dies. This might sound scary, but it's very important to know that hanging people is not allowed anymore because it's very cruel and wrong.

Anyway, the people who believed O'Connor was guilty found him and took him to a spot where they set up a rope on a tree branch. They put the rope around his neck and then lifted him up, which made it hard for him to breathe. After a little while, he stopped moving and they realized he had died.

Now, some people might think that it's not fair to punish someone by hanging them without a trial or a fair hearing, especially if they might not be guilty. That's why hanging is not allowed anymore.

In the end, we have to be fair to everyone and let the legal system do its job. We can't punish people without good proof and a fair trial, no matter how serious the accusation is.