ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hard disk drive

A hard disk drive is like a treasure chest for your computer. It's a special box that has a bunch of spinning disks inside of it, and it's where your computer stores all of its important things – like pictures, videos, music, and other files.

When you ask your computer to save something, it puts it inside this treasure chest on the spinning disks. Then, when you want your computer to show you that thing again, it finds it in the treasure chest and shows it to you on the screen.

The hard disk drive is kind of like a library where your computer can store lots of different books, except instead of books, it stores lots of different files. And just like you need to know where to find a book in the library, your computer needs to know where to find a file on the hard disk drive. So, the hard disk drive has special helpers called "read/write heads" that can quickly find and read the files.

Overall, the hard disk drive is like an important box where all of your computer's important things are stored – and it makes it easy for your computer to find and access those things whenever you need them.