ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hearing protection device

Okay kiddo, do you remember how we have to cover our ears when it's too loud, like when a helicopter flies overhead or a concert is really loud? Well, sometimes people work in places that are really loud too, like construction sites, factories, or even mowing the lawn.

To keep their ears safe and healthy, they wear something called a hearing protection device. Just like how a helmet protects our head while we ride a bike or skate, a hearing protection device protects our ears from loud sounds.

There are different types of hearing protection devices, but one common type looks like a big earmuff. It's made of special materials that absorb the loud sounds and make them quieter. Some people might also wear small earplugs that go in their ear like a soft piece of gum.

By wearing a hearing protection device, people can continue to work in loud places without hurting their ears. It's super important to take care of our ears, just like we take care of the rest of our body!