ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

High Bit Rate Media Transport

Okay kiddo, so you know how when you watch videos on the internet, sometimes they take a long time to load? Well, that's because the video has to travel from the website to your computer through something called "media transport".

Media transport is like a delivery truck that carries the video to your computer. And just like how some delivery trucks can go faster than others, there are different types of media transport that can carry videos at different speeds.

High bit rate media transport is like a super-fast delivery truck! It can carry videos really quickly, so they don't take as long to load. This is because it sends more information or "bits" at once, kind of like how a straw with a bigger hole can suck up more liquid at once.

So when you watch a video that's using high bit rate media transport, it's like the delivery truck is rushing to get the video to you as fast as possible. And that means you can start watching your video faster and with less waiting time!