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History of Poland

Poland is a country in Europe that has been around for a very long time. A long time ago, Poland was ruled by different groups of people like Vikings, Germans, and even Mongols. But in the 10th century, a king named Mieszko I united the different tribes and made Poland its own country.

Over time, Poland grew in power and became very important in Europe. They even had a famous queen, Jadwiga, who ruled in the 14th century. However, in the 18th century, Poland was taken over by other countries like Russia, Prussia, and Austria. This was a very difficult time for Poland, and they lost a lot of their freedom and culture.

But in the 20th century, Poland had some important moments. In World War I, Poland was able to become its own country again. However, World War II was a terrible time for Poland because it was invaded by Germany and many people were killed in the Holocaust.

After the war, Poland was under Soviet control and was part of the Communist world. But in the 1980s, a group called Solidarity, led by a man named Lech Walesa, fought for democracy and freedom in Poland. They were successful and Poland became a democracy in 1989.

Now, Poland is an independent country and part of the European Union. It has a rich history and culture, including famous landmarks like Wawel Castle, delicious food like pierogi, and traditions like the Christmas Eve supper.