ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of the word "culture"? It's like the things that people believe and do in a certain group. They have their own special way of talking, eating, and dressing.

Now, some people think that a long time ago, there were some really smart and powerful cultures that started everything. They think that those cultures shared their ideas with other people around the world and that's how we have all the cool things we have now.

They call this idea "hyperdiffusionism." It's like one culture is really good at spreading their ideas and technology to other cultures. It's like they have a superpower to make their ideas go really far and change the world.

But some people don't like this idea because they think that it takes away from the hard work and creativity of other cultures. They don't want to believe that one culture was just giving everything to everyone else.

So, hyperdiffusionism is when people believe that one culture was super influential in spreading their ideas and technology to other cultures. But some people don't agree with this idea.
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