ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

IBM Q System One

IBM Q System One is a really big and special type of computer that can do something very special called quantum computing. Quantum computing is like regular computing, but instead of using normal computer parts like ones and zeros, it uses something called "qubits". Imagine a qubit is like a little spinning top that can spin in two directions at the same time - this is what makes quantum computing so powerful!

Now, the IBM Q System One is kept in a special room that is really, really, really cold - almost as cold as outer space! This is because the qubits need to be kept at really low temperatures in order to work properly. The computer is also in a big glass box that keeps out any vibrations or other things that could ruin the qubits' spin.

Finally, this computer is really special because it can do things that other computers can't. It can solve really complex problems that humans would usually take years to work out in just a few seconds! This means it can help solve really important problems like figuring out how to make medicines or protect the environment. It's like having a super-smart friend that can help us do things we can't do on our own!