ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Interpreter directive

An interpreter is like someone who can understand and speak different languages, but instead of speaking with people, it helps your computer understand and run code. An interpreter directive is like a special instruction that tells the interpreter which language to use when it reads the code. It's like saying "Hey interpreter, this code is written in this specific language, so make sure you understand it correctly."

For example, let's say you were writing a program in Python, but you wanted to include some code written in JavaScript. You wouldn't want the Python interpreter to get confused and try to interpret the JavaScript code as Python code, because it might not work correctly. So you would use an interpreter directive at the top of the JavaScript code to tell the interpreter that it's written in JavaScript, like this:

#!/usr/bin/env node

This tells the interpreter to use the Node.js runtime environment to interpret the code written in JavaScript.

In summary, an interpreter directive is a way to tell the interpreter which language the code is written in so it can interpret it correctly.