ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Irish megalithic tombs

Sure, I can explain about Irish megalithic tombs as if you were five years old!

Have you ever seen a really big stone that someone put on top of another really big stone? These are called megaliths. Megalithic tombs are special types of megaliths that were built thousands of years ago by a group of people called the Neolithic people. They lived in Ireland around 4,000-5,000 years ago.

These tombs look like big mounds of dirt or grass, called cairns. But under these cairns are rooms made of megaliths where people were buried. Sometimes they were buried with their family members and sometimes they were buried with special things like pottery, weapons or jewelry.

One type of megalithic tomb is called a court tomb. It has a long passage leading to a main room. The sides of the passage have big stones, sometimes even bigger than a car!

Another type of megalithic tomb is called a dolmen or portal tomb. These tombs have a big horizontal (lying flat) stone on top of two or more upright stones. It looks like a door!

People don’t use these megalithic tombs for burials anymore, but some of them are really well-built and still standing today! People visit them to learn about the past and see how people lived a long time ago.