ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Jpeg is a way to save pictures so that they don't need a lot of space on your computer. Imagine you have a big box for your toys and you want to put a lot of toys in it. But if you keep all the toys in their original big boxes, you won't have much room left! So you take each toy out of its box, squeeze it a little bit, and put it in the big box. This is what jpeg does with pictures: it squeezes them a little bit so that they don't need so much space on your computer.

But don't worry, the pictures still look very good even though they've been squeezed. Jpeg is like magic! It takes out some of the extra information that it thinks you won't miss, but it keeps the important parts that make the picture look good. It's like taking a big picture and making it smaller, but still keeping the important parts that make the picture pretty.

So when you see a picture that ends with .jpeg or .jpg, you know that it's been squeezed so that it doesn't take up too much space on your computer, but it still looks very nice. And you can still use it for lots of things, like putting it on a website or sending it to your friends.