ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jain cosmology

Jain cosmology is a set of beliefs about the universe and how it works. It is based on the teachings of Jainism, a religion that was founded in India about 2,500 years ago. It believes that the universe is made up of six eternal substances called 'dharmastikāyas' or ' tattvas'. These substances are:
1. Jīva: The living soul
2. Ajīva: The non-living substances like water, air and matter
3. āsrava: The flow of the soul's karma into other realms of the universe
4. Samsāra: The cycle of life and death
5. Bandha: The binding of the soul to the material world
6. Mokṣa: The liberation of the soul from the material world and its cycle of death and rebirth.

Jain cosmology also believes in a Heaven and Hell and rewards or punishments for good or bad behavior. It also includes a universe made up of many worlds and possibilities, though none of these worlds are considered perfect or ideal places for the soul to live. The goal of Jainism is for the soul to become liberated, or free from the cycle of death and rebirth, through the practice of self-discipline and spiritual development.