ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jan Hus

Jan Hus was a man who lived a long, long time ago in a place called Bohemia, which is now known as the Czech Republic. He was a very smart person who believed that people should be able to read and understand the Bible in their own language, instead of a language that only priests could understand. He also didn't agree with some of the things that the big church in Rome was doing at the time, like selling forgiveness for sins.

Jan Hus talked about these things a lot and many people started to agree with him. This made the big church in Rome very angry and they tried to stop him. But he refused to change his ideas and was eventually sentenced to death. He was burned alive for his beliefs.

After he died, a lot of people who agreed with his ideas started to follow him and they were called Hussites. They continued to fight for the right to understand the Bible in their own language and for other things that they thought were important. Some of them even fought wars against the big church in Rome.

Today, Jan Hus is remembered as a brave person who stood up for what he believed in and helped to pave the way for religious freedom and individual rights.