ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim lands

Okay kiddo, so a long, long time ago, there were Jewish people living in countries in the Middle East, like Iraq, Iran, Yemen, and Morocco. These Jewish people had been living there for a really, really long time, even before the country called Israel was created.

But then some people in those countries didn't like the Jewish people very much. Those people were part of a religion called Islam, which was the religion that most people in those countries followed. Some of those Muslims thought that Jewish people were outsiders who didn't belong there. They didn't want the Jewish people to have the same rights and freedoms as everyone else.

So, unfortunately, many Jewish people had to leave their homes and everything they knew. They had to go on a journey to find a new place to live. This journey is called an exodus.

The exodus was not easy, kiddo. The Jewish people had to leave behind their homes, friends, and families. They had to leave behind their culture and everything that was familiar to them. They had to start all over again in a new place.

But even though it was hard, many Jewish people were determined to find a new home. They traveled to different countries like Israel, the United States, and Canada. They built new communities and started new lives there.

Today, many Jewish people are still affected by the exodus from Arab and Muslim lands. They remember the difficult journey their families went on and the sacrifices they made. But they also remember the strength and resilience of their communities, and they continue to honor their heritage and culture in their new homes.