ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jewish ghettos in German-occupied Poland

Okay kiddo, let me tell you a story about the Jewish ghettos in German-occupied Poland.

A long time ago, during World War II, a bad group of people called the Nazis took over Poland, which is a country in Europe. They didn't like Jewish people and wanted to hurt them. So they came up with a plan to put all the Jewish people that lived in Poland into special neighborhoods called ghettos.

These ghettos were like big walls with only one or two gates to get in or out. The Jewish people were not allowed to leave the ghetto without permission from the Nazis. There were many reasons for this, such as to make the Jewish people easier to control and to keep them away from non-Jewish people.

Living inside the ghettos was really hard for the Jewish people. They were crowded into small apartments or houses, with no windows or proper ventilation. They had to share bathrooms with many other families, and there was never enough food or clean water.

The Nazis did not care about the people living in the ghettos. They treated them very badly and made them work long hours for very little pay. Many people got sick and died because they were not getting enough food and medicine.

But the Jewish people in the ghettos were very strong and brave. They created secret schools and made sure that their children didn't forget their religion and culture. They also formed groups to help each other and created Underground Movements to make sure they had enough medicines and food for everyone.

Eventually, the Nazis started to get even worse and they made a plan to send all the Jewish people from the ghettos to concentration camps. These camps were even worse than the ghettos, and many people died there.

It was a very sad time in history, but we can learn from it and be kind to all people, no matter where they come from or what they believe.