ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jewish visibility

Ok, kiddo! Jewish visibility is all about making sure that people know about Jewish people and culture. It's like when you wear your favorite shirt with a cool design on it - you want people to see it and know that you like it, right?

So, Jewish people want others to see them and know about their beliefs, traditions, and history. It helps them feel proud of who they are and shows that they are an important part of society.

Sometimes, Jewish visibility can also help fight against discrimination or stereotypes that people might have about Jewish people. When others see Jewish people in everyday life, they may realize that they are just like everyone else and not different or scary.

It's important to remember that everyone should be proud of who they are and feel comfortable showing it. Whether it's being Jewish, or any other part of their identity, visibility can help people connect and appreciate each other.