ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Journal of Book of Mormon Studies

Okay kiddo, so you know how some people like to write down their thoughts and ideas in a diary or journal? Well, the Journal of Book of Mormon Studies is kind of like a diary, but instead of just one person writing in it, a bunch of smart grown-ups write down their thoughts and ideas about something called the Book of Mormon.

The Book of Mormon is a really important book for some people because they believe it was written a long time ago by prophets who talked to God. The grown-ups who write in the Journal of Book of Mormon Studies read the Book of Mormon really carefully and think a lot about what it means and how it can help people today.

They write down their ideas in the Journal so other grown-ups who are interested in the Book of Mormon can read it and learn something new. It's kind of like reading someone else's diary, but they're happy to share it with their friends.

So basically, the Journal of Book of Mormon Studies is a special book where smart people write down their thoughts about the Book of Mormon to share with other people who want to learn more about it.