ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Khobar Towers bombing

Hi there! Today I am going to explain to you what happened during the Khobar Towers bombing.

Now, imagine you are playing with your friends at a big building called Khobar Towers. It's in a place called Saudi Arabia, which is very far away from where we are now. The building is full of people who work together to help keep the world safe.

One day, some bad people decided to do something very, very bad. They made a big bomb and put it in a truck. Then, they drove the truck right up to the Khobar Towers building. And here's what happened next:


The bomb exploded and it made a huge noise. It was so loud, it shook the whole building and even the ground around it. Many people were hurt and some even died. It was a very scary thing to happen.

Now, the bad people who did this some people believe were part of a group that didn't like the United States, which is the country where a lot of the people who worked in Khobar Towers were from. They were angry about some things that the United States had done, and they wanted to hurt the people who worked there. But this was not a nice thing to do.

After the bombing, a lot of people worked very hard to try and help the people who were hurt. They also tried to find out who did it so they could make sure it never happens again. It was a very sad and scary time for everyone involved.

I hope that helps you understand what happened during the Khobar Towers bombing. It's important to remember that even if people don't agree with each other, hurting others is never the right thing to do.